Meet the Angel Temier

Through Merged Medium Sam Holland

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Temier’s Master Class on the Unavoidable Influences
is available as a 7 book set.

This series of 7 small books will help you to discover those external influences that help guide you on the way to the ultimate goal of Humanity.

About The 7 Unavoidable Influences

The Creative Force brought into being a Universe that does not require hands-on interaction. It leads, through the Unavoidable Influences, every sentient being to becoming a compassionate, loving soul through their free will choice. These seven influences keep us focused on self improvement.
Temier and friends will lead innovative meditations that will establish methods that help you to use the influences in a productive, friendly way. In these seven small books Temier will lead us through each of the seven influences. In so doing will help us gain a much better understanding about our life path.
If you are a curious student of life and metaphysics, this is a workshop that should not be missed.

The 7 books are about:

Rhythm: Everyone and everything will have moments of focus but it eventually will ebb.
Masculine and feminine, active and receptive.
Mind is all, all is mind
Everything has a vibration.
What is in the physical world got its start in the spiritual world.
There are two sides to everything.
Cause and Effect:
What goes around comes around.

$35. for the entire set of 7 booklets or $15.00 for the ePub version.
The price includes shipping anywhere in the world.
The 7 book set includes a box.
If you select the ePub book, and after PayPal verifies you payment, be sure to click on the button that takes you back to the merchant to get the ePub download.

The books are available either as a 7 book set or as an ePub. Just click on the proper button. If you select the ePub book, and after paying is complete, be sure to click on the PayPal button that takes you back to the merchant to get the ePub download
ePub book 15.00
7 book set $35.00